Misadventures in the Land of Fables #14
A jackdaw dresses itself in feathers borrowed from other birds. Two of Aesop’s fables are built around this action. They draw broadly the same moral. A condemnation of envy and pretension. But I don’t feel the actions of Jackdaw are entirely deserving of censure. Or in other words, is he really so bad? THE VAIN […]

The Panchatantra
Misadventures in the Land of Fables #14 My adventures in the land of fables have led me into the Himalyas, to Kasmir, and to the Panchatantra, a text first compiled in 350-400 CE by Vishnusharma, an octogenarian Brahmin. I did not literally venture into the mountains to retrieve this ancient literature, of course. I did […]

Misadventures in the Land of Fables #13
Aesop’s ‘The Fox and the Grapes’ cannot be improved. One of the rare fables to feature a single protagonist, it is concise, complete, and memorable, etched into our culture with the phrase ‘sour grapes.’ Fable as dialogue Typically, the substance of a fable is a dialogue—a negotiation, a trick, a contest, sometimes little more than […]

Misadventures in the Land of Fables #12
THE FROGS WHO DESIRED A KING Funny, surreal, and brutal, ‘The Frogs Who Desired a King‘ is one of the strongest and historically most popular of Aesop fables. At its core, there is a cautionary ‘careful what you wish for’ message, but it is the political applications that account for its longevity. This is the […]

‘The Drops of Water’
Misadventures in the Land of Fables #11 Foxes, lions, sheep, frogs, jackdaws, snakes, monkeys talking to each other or to themselves. This has been the substance of a fable from the beginning, from the oral traditions of the Indian Subcontinent to the translators of Aesop and beyond. Why? Because the distance between us (as storyteller […]

Misadventures in the Land of Fables, #10
Fables are simple narratives, often rendered in simple language, and as such easily dismissed as being ‘for children.’ Unfairly so. The Victorians may have put them to use in the nursery, but they were never intended for the younger reader. These sometimes harsh lessons on pride and vanity, on the exercise of power, tactics and […]