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The Lion in Love from Aesop

A lion fell in love with a farmer’s daughter. She was proud and strong, a perfect match, he thought. But seeking to do things properly, he approached her father and asked permission to visit the girl. He was surprised how quickly the farmer agreed to his request.

But when he returned the next day, groomed and immaculate and brimming with optimism, the farmer refused to let him in. The lion was incensed. “How dare you?” he roared with righteous anger. “You gave me your word. Let me in right now, or things will go very badly for you.”

“Is that a threat?” the farmer replied, from the safety of the house. “I only agreed because you had me cornered and I feared what you would do to me. Seems I was right. You are nothing but a savage beast, a bully, and a poor match for my daughter.”

“Wait,” said the lion, suddenly aware his hopes were slipping from his grasp. “I swear I mean you no harm. I love your daughter and I believe she will come to love me too. All I ask is a chance to prove myself. Tell me what I have to do to get that chance and I will do it.”

“You say you mean no harm,” the farmer began. “But each time you open your mouth the danger is plain to see. There’s no escaping it. Your teeth are too long and too sharp. You could tear us apart in an instant. How could ever be at ease with that threat?”

“You want me to remove my teeth?” the lion spluttered. “It’s impossible. I can’t do it.” “Well, that is what you will have to do,” the farmer insisted. “But whoever heard of a lion without teeth?” asked the lion. “Whoever heard of a lion stepping out with a farmer’s daughter?”

The lion decided to as he’d been asked and over the days that followed he ground his teeth down until they were flat and smooth and would be a danger to no one. Then he presented himself to the farmer and the farmer summoned his daughter. But as he eagerly stepped forward …

… the farmer suddenly called for the lion to stop. “Your claws,” he said with alarm. “Your claws are too long and too sharp. With claws like that, you could tear us apart in an instant. You will have to do something about those too.”

Again the lion did as he’d been asked. He pared his claws to the bone and the next day presented himself at the door of the farmhouse. “I have done everything you require,” he said. “It’s time for you to keep your promise.”

As the farmer inspected his paws, his daughter came to join them. She knelt by the lion and ran her fingers through his mane, then she slipped a collar around the proud beast’s neck and pulled it tight. “What are you doing?” the lion roared with a shocked and righteous anger.

“Calm yourself, dear lion. It’s just a precaution,” said the farmer’s daughter, holding him firm. “You will have what you want. We will step out together as my father promised, and everyone will see what I fine couple we make.”

And so the two took a walk together through the village, the lion on the end of a short lead.


© Richard Parkin, 2022

A lion fell in love with a farmer’s daughter. She was proud and strong, a perfect match, he thought. But seeking to do things properly, he approached her father and asked permission to visit the girl. He was surprised how quickly the farmer agreed to his request.

But when he returned the next day, groomed and immaculate and brimming with optimism, the farmer refused to let him in. The lion was incensed. “How dare you?” he roared with righteous anger. “You gave me your word. Let me in right now, or things will go very badly for you.”

“Is that a threat?” the farmer replied, from the safety of the house. “I only agreed because you had me cornered and I feared what you would do to me. Seems I was right. You are nothing but a savage beast, a bully, and a poor match for my daughter.”

“Wait,” said the lion, suddenly aware his hopes were slipping from his grasp. “I swear I mean you no harm. I love your daughter and I believe she will come to love me too. All I ask is a chance to prove myself. Tell me what I have to do to get that chance and I will do it.”

“You say you mean no harm,” the farmer began. “But each time you open your mouth the danger is plain to see. There’s no escaping it. Your teeth are too long and too sharp. You could tear us apart in an instant. How could ever be at ease with that threat?”

“You want me to remove my teeth?” the lion spluttered. “It’s impossible. I can’t do it.” “Well, that is what you will have to do,” the farmer insisted. “But whoever heard of a lion without teeth?” asked the lion. “Whoever heard of a lion stepping out with a farmer’s daughter?”

The lion decided to as he’d been asked and over the days that followed he ground his teeth down until they were flat and smooth and would be a danger to no one. Then he presented himself to the farmer and the farmer summoned his daughter. But as he eagerly stepped forward …

… the farmer suddenly called for the lion to stop. “Your claws,” he said with alarm. “Your claws are too long and too sharp. With claws like that, you could tear us apart in an instant. You will have to do something about those too.”

Again the lion did as he’d been asked. He pared his claws to the bone and the next day presented himself at the door of the farmhouse. “I have done everything you require,” he said. “It’s time for you to keep your promise.”

As the farmer inspected his paws, his daughter came to join them. She knelt by the lion and ran her fingers through his mane, then she slipped a collar around the proud beast’s neck and pulled it tight. “What are you doing?” the lion roared with a shocked and righteous anger.

“Calm yourself, dear lion. It’s just a precaution,” said the farmer’s daughter, holding him firm. “You will have what you want. We will step out together as my father promised, and everyone will see what I fine couple we make.”

And so the two took a walk together through the village, the lion on the end of a short lead.


© Richard Parkin 2022